Friday, February 5, 2016

A Week in the Hospital Part 5: Saturday – Psalm 122

Last week (January 26-February 2, 2016), I ended up in the hospital. Something simple spiraled out of control. While in the hospital, I kept up with the daily reading of psalms that I’ve been practicing since the first of the year. The psalms I read were chosen by the Presbyterian Daily Prayer Lectionary. The psalms are sent to my e-mail every morning and I often read them on my phone, then again in my bible. These psalms helped to frame my experience. The following is an account of my hospital stay for friends and family who want to know what happened. [NOTE: This contains some graphic depictions of medical problems. No pictures, just words.] 

To see the previous post, click here


For the sake of my relatives and friends
    I will say, “Peace be within you.” (122:8)

A day of recovery. I moved out of the ICU quickly. Sarah and the kids visited. A dear member of my church visited and assured me that they had everything in hand. Other church members and friends started stepping up to help Sarah. I talked to my family. The doctors and nurses watched me with wary eye. By the evening, I was already strong enough to walk to the bathroom on my own. My blood pressure was still high, but I was out of the danger zone. Though anxious, I still felt a small measure of peace. I was alive. I wanted—I still want—to stay alive.


To continue this series and see the next post, click here.

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