Monday, January 26, 2015

Jesus Sees Community - APC Sermon 01.25.2015

I said some words in front of some people this past Sunday. I think some of the words might be helpful. I wrote this sermon after some good conversations with my friend Wes and after reading through Eugene Peterson's Spiritual Theology Quintet. I point this out, while at the same time cautioning that the words and thoughts below are my own and not Wes's, nor Allentown Presbyterian Church's, and only sometimes Eugene Peterson's. 

Also, here's a link to the audio for the sermon, though the audio has some mistakes in it that I correct or nuance in the text and textual notes below. Thanks for reading/listening!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Church Musician: On Music, Identity, Writing, and Drive

I cut my creative teeth on church music. I was reminded of this today when my mom directed my attention to this article and name-checked my piano teacher, Mrs. DeVries.